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новый патчик на kro (сакрай)

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- Staff of Destruction [1]

Description: A two handed staff with power that could potentially destroy everything. The wielder loses some of their mental power every time the staff gets stronger, due to having to control the raging power that is contained in this staff.

MATK + 25%, INT + 3, AGI + 10

Reduces casting time of Amplify Magic by 50%.

Refinement in multiples of 2 (+2, +4, +6, +8, +10) increases MATK by 1%.

SP taken by all skills will increase depending on the refinement rate of this weapon.

Small chance to cast Jupitel Thunder LV 5 whenever you are attacked physically. This chance depends on the refinement rate of this weapon.

Type: Staff
Damage: 130
Weight: 250
Weapon LV: 4
Required LV: 80
Equip By: High Wizard

приятный такой посох на сакрае  :cool: +27% матк для хвиза - не просто тру ;) да и слотик не помешает... хотя, читерская шмотка:)

- Staff of Piercing

Description: A staff with a jewel in it that causes shockwave every once in a while. The shockwave sometimes nullifies enemy's magic defense.

MATK + 15%, INT + 4.

When you attack using magical ability, it will ignore 10% of their MDEF and deals damage accordingly. The amount ignored will increase depending on the refinement rate of this weapon.

Type: Staff
Damage: 80
Weight: 50
Weapon LV: 3
Required LV: 70
Equip By: Transcendent Mage / Acolyte class types only

тоже читерская шмоточка... аналог bone wand, но игнорит 10% мдефа, особенно приятно будет для упакованных в мдеф танчиков ;)

- Spirited Guitar

Description: The legendary guitar known for when the player finally snaps out of stupor, you've already finished your performance.

When equipped, ASPD is fixed at 190. Reduces natural HP regeneration rate by 100%. Loses 50 HP per every 5 second. Reduces DEX by massive rate.

Type: Instrument
Damage: 10
Weight: 180
Weapon LV: 4
Required LV: 70
Equip By: Clown (Minstrel)

бугага  :lol:

- Glove of Aurelian [1]

Description: A glove used by the best cook in the castle. Looks like you can duplicate his hand movements just by wearing this.

DEX + 2, MATK + 3%.

Type: Accessory.
DEF: 0
Weight :10
Required LV: 90
Equip By: All transcendent classes except Novice

*офигивает и облизывается* для хвиза - мегатру - такая хрень с зеромами - +2 декс +6% матк  :O

Ditardeurus Card

Description: Immune to Freeze status ailment. Whenever you take a magical damage, small chance to cast Land Protector (Magnetic Earth) LV 1.

MDEF - 20.

Type: Card
Compound At: Armor
Weight: 1

а если такое чудо зайдет и встанет на респ... :( лп, АФАИР, вырезает локи?



мда.. забавная карта)



Ежик написал(а):

мда.. забавная карта)

одно радует, что -20% мдефа и работает только от магических атак... если бы не это - то дитатердеус+гтб=ппц :) а так - от амплифайных миндбрейкнутых гастов, пожалуй, не отожрется :)

Отредактировано ombre (2007-03-23 10:33:11)



ombre написал(а):

when the player finally snaps out of stupor

ыыы я не ошибся?) ступор?))



ombre написал(а):

а если такое чудо зайдет и встанет на респ...  лп, АФАИР, вырезает локи?

А разве автокаст в локи не пофиксили? ДЛ ведь не работает из локи... или я ошибаюсь?


Вы здесь » Spirits Of Fate » Новости » новый патчик на kro (сакрай)